Sunday, September 2, 2007

Paris Day 1 - June 1, 2007

Because I had never been on the EuroStar before (the train from London to Paris via the tunnel under the channel), we decided to go to Paris this way.

Here we are on our way. Surprisingly, I thought the tunnel part of the trip (where you are under water) would take much longer than 15 minutes or so, but it was very quick.

We arrived at the Gare Du Nord station in Paris. Please don't ask why I'm standing there like that! Hai, yes sir ;-) Okay mom, take the fucking picture and get the EuroStar sign in! I'm actually instructing her how to use my camera. You can see that I am very stiff, so it's not going too well.

En route to our hotel, we passed the Moulin Rouge which I didn't think was a functioning establishment anymore...but it is! Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir! And we heard it's really good fun to go see a show there so I will do this next time for sure.

We stayed at a very nice little hotel named Hôtel Champerret-Elysées that was situated very central and a block from the bus stop and tube.

Our room was actually a decent size for Europe with a "fake" king size bed (i.e. two twin beds pushed together and made up separately). We had a nice window that opened completely (I love this about smaller hotels).

The view out the left and right of the window was nice...

Mom and I were starving so we ate near the hotel. Afterwards, we decided to walk towards the Eiffel Tower (yes we walked the whole way). Along the way, we found a nice little outdoor market, selling all sorts of fresh fruits, veggies, flowers, fish, bread and cakes.

It was around this time I realized how generous the men are with showing their affection. It was almost possible to believe I was the most beautiful woman in Paris! Compliments were frequent and detailed, and generally made in a very tasteful manner...they were not shy at all. Apparently they are trying hard when they call you Mademoiselle a lot when you are over 30...oui oui ;-) Made my mother blush a lot, haha.

The first major monument was the Arc de Triumph.

It was so huge and big and the center of a major round-a-bout. The details and decoration were very beautiful. I could not imagine driving in the round-a-bout at was pretty crazy and hectic.

And then I had this idea to take photos of "Lovers in Paris"...but I really wasn't brave enough to take the ones I really wanted to..I should have just asked. I decided to start asking permission to take photos on my last day..the ones I really wanted...the best opportunities to take photos of lovers are late at night on the train. I sorta have this thing about being on a train at night and, well anyway. I can't help but to stare! So mom and I started this game to find them, and we would debate what they were doing or feeling or the kind of space they were in. Haha..anyway, the first of many:

She was actually quite sad, and he was consoling her. I didn't get the feeling they were fighting, I got the sense she was in pain...Did he step on her toe? Did she find out she was pregnant? Or maybe, on serious note, it may have been something worse. But it was great...seemed they were so oblivious to everyone else around them.

As we continued walking, it was just amazing to look at all the buildings and take in the city. I'm happy we decided to walk instead of the bus. Here are random photos of what I saw:

Every once in awhile we'd see the big doors open, and inside a courtyard and/or parking spaces. So it seems like there are these mini-towns side by side going down the streets. I could just imagine horse drawn carriages pulling into these courtyard areas back in the day.

Everywhere you look - at the buildings, statues, art, etc. there seems to be decoration in religious undertones mixed with bits and pieces in the style from Roman times, medieval times and modern times along with references to the revolution and the old monarchy here.

Here is another shot of lovers...he was waiting to take her home from work. Shortly before I took this photo they were locked in a very passionate kiss then hug - very excited to see each other. Then he noticed me and I ruined it! Dang. But I think they were wondering what I was doing of course and probably made up some story about me too. Mom and I thought for a second if they thought we were undercover investigators...

Here is a statue of George Washington which I was totally surprised to see. Very interesting history lesson here.

We walked by this house which was right next door to the Iranian Embassy. It looked abandoned and not kept at all. There were old and tattered French flags hanging from the windows. I got major willies looking at this house..I felt like it was haunted.

And then we came around the corner and I saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time.

But we still had a bit to we walked through a park near the bridge that took us across the river.

I really loved all these statues we would see. There were a lot of Nike and Diana (Goddess of the Hunt) around...they were so beautiful to look at. This wasn't one of them though. Everything seems very passionate. It was a great feeling to see and feel.

So here we are about to cross the bridge to the Eiffel Tower...and the weather really started to turn.

Here are more she was very mad at him. I guess she is probably upset at his looking and being generous in the male parisian aforementioned way and then just totally put off by the impending rain and bad weather. Not the ideal honeymoon in Paris? But little did she know the weather would be perfect the next few days.

Ahh, and these lovers look very happy that they made it to the top and are already on their way home, great photos in hand. Actually, they looked very intent on their walking and getting somewhere...I wonder if she is ovulating and there is an urgent necessity to get back home to make love to get pregnant in Paris. Or maybe just dinner's always more exciting in my head. I must keep this PG13.

The entrance to the Eiffel Tower...

There were armed army men and women all around the bottom of the tower, keeping everyone safe and secure from terrorists I suppose.

By this time, it was already raining and very cold. So we decided not to go up to the top, as we were advised that unless it's a nice day it's not worth the cold and long wait in line. We decided to get ourselves a Cappuccino Chantilly (yum) to warm up and head back home. We were exhausted. We cabbed it back to the hotel, rested, then had dinner at a nice cafe across the street from our hotel. Very yummy wine and food.

I was surprised that it didn't get dark until 10:30pm which made it easy to just keep going then wonder why you are feeling so tired!

My internet didn't work in Paris except for the first day...and so it goes. Time for me to have a proper holiday ;-)


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